Liquid Hush is a state in which the observer-receiver finds himself when facing the specific works. The name came from the analysis of the design as, inside each design there are fluid lines that curve in random patterns like the movement of water, and as a whole they create a feeling of calm and silence, where they engage the viewer in a communication with the work . Each work is a psychographic - psychedelic depiction of a concept or emotion that I feel strongly about and that concerns me at this particular period of my life. The psychographies of André Breton and André Masson are my sources of inspiration, while I combine Stanislav Grof's theories about how psychedelia in art can make a person explore their states of mind without drugs. Reactions to each poster vary from person to person. The designs are done by hand and later they get digitized on vector form.
1.Redefining concept, 2.The conscious side of my life, 3.Motor Memory, 4.Neurosis, 5.Circles, 6.Substantia nigra, 7.Auditory imagery, 8.Formless, 9.Liquid, 10.Morbid visions, 11.Nyktalopia, 12.Remains, 13.Undestanding SELF, 14.Space bloom, 15.TBK-060 - Brain damage, 16.The amulet of lost memories, 17.Aspects of soul, 18.Divergent thinking, 19.Vapor blade 20.Vapor Form
Liquid Hush project also got the 1st place on the graphic design contest organized by the Embassy of Switzerland in Greece: "Water and Movement", 2023